In a surprising turn of events, local man Derek Saunders, 40, found himself woefully unprepared for his recent vasectomy despite having meticulously watched a...
In a groundbreaking move to tackle hospital wait times, Bendigo Health has launched its revolutionary DIY Surgery Kits. These kits allow patients to take...
In a groundbreaking act of selflessness, Bendigo resident and local hero Frank McAllister made medical history last Tuesday by donating not one but two...
Bendigo Health has proudly rolled out its latest wellness venture: the revolutionary "Coffee IV Drips." Who needs traditional methods of caffeine consumption when you...
In a shocking turn of events, Bendigo locals have discovered a revolutionary solution to the ever-increasing fuel prices: selling their organs on the black...
In a shocking turn of events, Bendigo locals have discovered a revolutionary solution to the ever-increasing fuel prices: selling their organs on the black...
In a move that will make all the grandkids raise their eyebrows, the Bendigo Community Health Service has generously distributed free condoms to local...
Bendigo Bank has announced the introduction of a revolutionary new Man Flu leave policy exclusively designed for male employees.
According to the bank's HR department,...
Plucky 5-year-old Timmy Thompson marched into Bendigo Health to have his tonsils removed, but post-surgery, he had a startling request: he wanted them reinstalled.