June 30, 2024

Central Deborah Gold Mine Unveils New Trampoline Park

Central Deborah Gold Mine has unveiled its latest attraction: an underground trampoline park. Aptly named “Bounce Below Bendigo,” the playground offers visitors a unique, if not slightly hazardous, bouncing experience 61 meters below the surface.

Billed as “Australia’s first underground trampoline park,” Bounce Below Bendigo is already drawing attention for its unconventional location. Visitors are invited to leap, flip, and soar in an environment with less than two metres of ceiling clearance.

“We want to create an attraction that connects people with the historical essence of the mine,” said Jeremy Sprocket, Chief Creative Officer at Bendigo Heritage Ventures. “And what better way to do that than by allowing them to experience the cramped, low-ceiling conditions that miners endured – but with trampolines!”

Local authorities and concerned parents have voiced safety concerns, but Sprocket quickly assures the public that the park has taken measures to protect its bouncy patrons. “We’ve installed top-quality foam padding on every surface. And we provide all visitors with hard hats. It’s the perfect blend of fun and authenticity!”

Early reviews have been mixed. While some laud the park’s ingenuity and nostalgic charm, others are less enthusiastic. “It’s a good thing they have a first-aid station next to every trampoline,” said one patron.

Local historians, however, are thrilled. “This is a brilliant way to bring Bendigo’s mining history to life,” said Dr Harriet Goldsmith, the Bendigo Historical Society curator. “Visitors get a real sense of the challenges miners face. It’s very immersive.”

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