June 30, 2024

Centrelink to Open a Macca’s: Get Benefits and Big Macs in One Convenient Outburst

Bendigo’s Centrelink office has approved plans to construct a McDonald’s on its premises. The initiative hailed as a groundbreaking fusion of welfare services and fast food convenience, has already begun creating hundreds of local job opportunities and providing 24/7 access to essential sauce packets.

“We’re bringing together the best of both worlds,” a Centrelink spokesperson told The Bendigo Standard. “Now you can let loose on the Centrelink officer and then vent over a McFlurry, all without leaving the building. It’s all about convenience.”

Community responses have been varied, with some lauding the move as an innovative solution and others questioning the nutritional benefits of having a fast food outlet in such a setting. The phrase “Do you want Centrelink fries with that?” has become a popular refrain among sceptics.

As an added incentive, unlimited nuggets will be available to anyone who can provide proof of actively seeking employment.


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