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Pizza Hut Sign Elevates Itself To Heritage Status After Graffiti Makeover

Back in the olden days, Pizza Hut represented the golden age of Bendigo when dial-up internet and Spice Girls ruled.

But thanks to a daring graffiti makeover, the faded all-you-can-eat sign is now a cultural masterpiece that would make even Banksy nod in approval.

Local historians are ecstatic about the newfound heritage status. Dr Olive Green, renowned historian and self-proclaimed pizza enthusiast stated, “This is truly a groundbreaking moment for Bendigo.”

The once-ordinary beacon of all-you-can-eat dreams boasts a street art aesthetic that has left locals questioning if they accidentally stumbled upon the Louvre of fast-food architecture.

Critics dub it “Michelangelo of the Margherita,” solidifying its place in the annals of fast-food heritage.

Historians are now busy researching the significance of each tag and spray-painted message, attempting to decipher the hidden meanings behind the graffiti. Some speculate that the artwork may be the key to Bendigo’s recognition as a city of gastronomy.

The sign now stands proudly, a sign of artery-clogging nostalgia for generations to come.