23.8 C

Marie Kondo Brings ‘Spark Joy’ To Napier Street Upgrade

Bendigo Council and VicRoads announced in a meeting late last year it reached out to tidiness guru Marie Kondo the star of Netflix hit “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo”, to help fix and finish the Napier Street upgrade.

Upon the arrival of Napier Street, Marie Kondo said “This street is the sock drawer of Bendigo. Without it, you’re left with bare feet or wearing crocs.”

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant and author. Kondo has written four books on organizing, which have collectively sold millions of copies and have been translated from Japanese into several languages.

Ms Kondo produced a map of Bendigo and said “I want you to touch a map of Bendigo. When you feel the road that sparks joy to you, you no longer feel ‘kuso’.”

Upon hearing her advice, Bendigo Council and VicRoads decided to hire Bob The Builder to complete the upgrade. Bob is well known for his efficiency and finishing complex projects within 5 minutes in every episode.