23.8 C

“Holy Crap The Road’s Finished!” Locals Call For Public Holiday


It’s finally done – No joke. The Napier Street upgrade has been completed more than 300 years after construction began.

Locals are calling for July 19 to be declared a local public holiday.

Bob Gosh, President of The Napier Street Society Committee said “The road is worthy of a public holiday. There’s a public holiday to celebrate football, why shouldn’t there be a holiday to celebrate bitumen, dirt and tar?”

Napier Street resident Elmer Gorb said, “I told my grandchildren about the day they came and dug up my driveway 90 years ago. I couldn’t get my penny-farthing out so I had to walk to work through 10 feet of snow.”

Local historian Randall Newbie said, “There are rumours that Burke and Wills came through here and helped with the beginning stages of the upgrade. The public holiday will honour their bravery.”

“It would have been handier to have a public holiday during construction as I couldn’t get out of my driveway. I’ll have to go to work now. Bugger” said Huntly resident Bacardi Bath.


Readers sent in their celebrations over the weekend: