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Your Horoscope – Week Of June 26, 2023

Here’s your horoscope for the week.

♋ Cancer | June 21 to July 22

Cancer, your emotional roller coaster is on full throttle this week. Don’t be surprised if you cry while watching a cat video and then burst into laughter for no apparent reason. Just embrace the chaos and remember to carry tissues everywhere you go.

Your lucky colour:
“Mundane Beige”: Because life isn’t exciting enough, let’s celebrate the colour of utter mediocrity.

♌ Leo | July 23 to Aug. 22

Virgo, your perfectionism knows no bounds, but unfortunately, the world isn’t as perfect as you’d like it to be. Don’t worry, though; your obsessive-compulsive tendencies will ensure that you spend hours rearranging your sock drawer while your life falls apart.

Your lucky colour:
“Invisible Pink”: The perfect shade for those who want attention while remaining completely unnoticed.

Virgo | Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Libra, you’re all about balance and harmony, except when it comes to decision-making. This week, expect to be stuck in an endless cycle of weighing pros and cons until you drive everyone around you crazy. Remember, making a choice is overrated.

Your lucky colour:
“Molasses Gray”: Embrace the thrilling world of slow-motion with this incredibly dull hue.

♎ Libra | Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Libra, you’re all about balance and harmony, except when it comes to decision-making. This week, expect to be stuck in an endless cycle of weighing pros and cons until you drive everyone around you crazy. Remember, making a choice is overrated.

Your lucky colour:
“Oblivious Orange”: For those who have no clue what’s going on, but still want to stand out in a crowd.

Scorpio | Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Scorpio, your intensity is unmatched, and this week is no different. You’ll delve into deep, dark secrets and have a staring contest with your own soul. Just remember, there’s a fine line between being mysterious and being downright creepy.

Your lucky colour:
“Toothpaste Green”: Because who doesn’t love the idea of painting their walls with the color of fresh minty breath?

♐ Sagittarius | Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Sagittarius, you’re always searching for adventure, but this week, the universe has a different plan for you: a series of misadventures. From getting lost in your own backyard to mistaking salt for sugar, prepare for a whirlwind of mishaps. Embrace the chaos!

Your lucky colour:
“Naptime Brown”: Inspired by the cozy feeling of falling asleep during a boring lecture or meeting.

♑ Capricorn | Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Capricorn, you’re the embodiment of ambition and responsibility, but this week, it’s time to let loose! Take a break from your workaholic tendencies and do something reckless. Maybe wear mismatched socks or eat dessert before dinner. Crazy, right?

Your lucky colour:
“Loud Whine”: A colour that perfectly captures the essence of incessant complaining and never-ending whining.

♒ Aquarius | Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Aquarius, your rebellious spirit will be on full display this week. You’ll fight against the system until it’s time to update your Instagram status with a selfie. Remember, nothing says “fighting the power” like a perfectly filtered photo.

Your lucky colour:
“Clown Nose Red”: Because nothing says fashion-forward like a shade that screams, “Look at me, I’m ridiculous!”

♓ Pisces | Feb. 19 to March 20

Pisces, your imagination knows no bounds, but reality might be a bit of a buzzkill. This week, your dreams will be as vivid as ever, but so will your struggles to distinguish between fantasy and the real world. Maybe invest in a dream journal or a reality check.

Your lucky colour:
“Underwhelming Purple”: Prepare to be unimpressed by this lacklustre and disappointingly bland colour choice.

♈ Aries | March 21 to April 19

Congratulations, Aries! This week, your impulsive decisions will take you to new heights… or straight off a cliff. Remember, life is all about taking risks, so why not jump into a volcano and see where it takes you?

Your lucky colour:
“Sarcastic Cyan”: The perfect colour for when you want to say one thing but mean the exact opposite.

♉ Taurus | April 20 to May 20

Taurus, you’re known for being stubborn, and this week is no exception. Don’t worry about listening to others’ advice; they clearly don’t understand that your way is the only right way. Just remember, being right is more important than maintaining any kind of healthy relationship!

Your lucky colour:
“Ambiguous Chartreuse”: A shade so confusing, it’ll leave you wondering if it’s green, yellow, or just an optical illusion.

♊ Gemini | May 21 to June 20

Gemini, your dual nature will shine this week. You’ll be both charming and deceitful, friendly and fake. Just make sure to keep track of all your lies so you can keep up with your own fictional tales. It’s like writing a novel but with less accountability.

Your lucky colour:
“Indecisive Indigo”: A colour that can’t make up its mind, whether it’s blue or purple, just like people who can’t make up their minds.

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