23.8 C

Entire Town Somehow Convinced Lake Weeroona Is Absolutely Not a Giant… You Know, Phallic Symbol or Anything!

In a stunning display of collective denial, residents have somehow convinced themselves that the picturesque Lake Weeroona looks like anything but a colossal phallic symbol.

Despite its shape, locals remain steadfast in their conviction that Lake Weeroona is nothing more than a picturesque body of water.

“I don’t know what people are talking about. It’s just a beautiful, natural lake,” insisted parks officer Lloyd Hart, strategically avoiding eye contact with the lake on Google Maps.

“I take my kids there for picnics all the time, and we’ve never noticed anything unusual,” claimed resident Susan Hamilton as she handed out “Lake Weeroona: It’s All in Your Mind” pamphlets.

In an unexpected twist, Bendigo council has announced plans for a new tourism campaign promoting the lake as a family-friendly destination. The slogan? “Weeroona: Where Nature Takes Centre Stage, Not the Shape.”