18.3 C

Trolley Bay Ruins Man’s Day

A man’s day has been ruined after a stranger selfishly placed the wrong trolley in the wrong line.

“I’m a straight white male and have zero problems. The incident still annoys me enough to tell complete strangers on Bendigo Have Your Say when I’m not even from Bendigo” the man said.

“I am not and never been a trolley collector so this doesn’t even affect my job one bit.” said the unnamed man. “I was going to just leave it on the footpath like a normal person.”

The man has been inundated with countless sympathy cards and thoughts and prayers from all around the world.

He recently shared his story of heartache on The Voice. Channel 9 added in the guitar solo from Coldplay’s Fix You over the top to evoke sympathy for the man.

The man has started a GoFundMe page. Click here to donate to the man’s GoFundMe page.