23.8 C

Tourist Accidentally Books Tickets For Oprah, Not Opera

Judy, a lifelong fan of classical music, had been eagerly looking forward to attending German composer Richard Wagner’s The Ring Cycle at the Ulumbarra Theatre. However, due to a typo in her online booking, Judy instead found herself with tickets to see Oprah instead.

“I couldn’t believe it when I realized what had happened,” Judy told The Bendigo Standard. “I mean, I love Oprah as much as the next person, but this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

“I was so excited to see the Richard Wagner opera; I had heard such great things about it,” said the tourist. “But when I got to the theatre, I saw all these posters and banners for Oprah’s tour, and I was like, ‘What the hell?'”

As for Judy, she’s taking it all in stride. “I guess I’ll just have to double-check my bookings from now on,” she said with a laugh. “At least I got to see Oprah in person!”