23.8 C

Giant Marilyn Monroe Statue to be Replaced by Giant Ice Addict

The City of Greater Bendigo Council has relented to a minority group opposed to the giant Marilyn Monroe statue (legs pictured).

“The fist shacking brigade of ill mannered locals will be heard,” said Council spokesperson Hilary Duff. “We recognise our fault in erecting a temporary and internationally recognised work of art that, as they have pointed out, has nothing to do with Bendigo.”

The statue has been in prominent place near the fountain for some months, with dress ruffled above the knees and traffic all at an occasional standstill at the interchange with nothing to look at except giant shins and water dripping of scantly clad women.

“We understand their concerns and the added threat to moral decency this image of Marilyn has sparked, and to correct this we aim to replace it with something of local significance,” said Ms. Duff.

The giant statue of an ice addict lunging out toward traffic in a blaze of drug induced psychosis will be unveiled at a gala event above the local Grill’d Burg’r joint in coming weeks.

Sue Perkins, a member of the minority group Angry At Anything, was quoted as saying, “This is a great step forward for Bendigo. Now all we need to do is get the fountain turned back into a roundabout and the tram running again to Eaglehawk.“

by Luke Morris.