23.8 C

Local Man Robbed Of Single Use Bags From His Home

A local man was a victim of a daylight robbery at his home yesterday.

Morgan Jamieson scrapped cat food into an empty single use Toy World bag from out of the cupboard that his cat Cuddles didn’t like.

“The bag was put on the front porch and I was shirtless and trust me that’s not a look passerby’s want to see” said Mr Jamieson. “I put a shirt on and forgot about the bag for around 15 minutes then remembered and went back out on to the porch only to see the Toy World bag is gone.”

Bendigo Police told The Bendigo Standard “There are two options here: Either a person has stolen the bag thinking they are scoring a free gift, or a cat has sniffed out the food and stolen the bag thinking they have won the lottery.”

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