23.8 C

Bendigo Powerball Winner Buys Long Gully


The winner of last Thursday’s $30 million Powerball has come to an agreement with Bendigo Council to buy Bendigo’s bogan Bronx aka Long Gully for an undisclosed amount.

The unidentified winner told The Bendigo Standard he intends to demolish the suburb and replace it with a miniature version of Ballarat including a mini Sovereign Hill.

Some of the improvements to give it a local feel will include a 50-metre statue of Rod Fyffe, a Carl’s Jr and an injecting room.

“Ballarat has all the good stuff that Bendigo desperately needs. Ballarat is a country city but Bendigo is a country town” the man said. “I was going to go see Avengers: End Game  2 million times but I couldn’t bear the thought of Chris Hemsworth dying that much.”

The winner plans to leave the RSL intact.