23.8 C

Triple M Renamed Claude FM Because He’s The Local You Know

Triple M station has decided to rename itself Claude FM. Why, you ask? Well, according to station executives, Claude is the guy who knows Bendigo like the back of his hand – or at least that’s what they’re going with.

In an exclusive interview with Claude FM’s programming director, he explained, “We wanted a name that resonated with the community, and Claude just seemed to fit the bill.”

Critics argue that Triple M’s decision to become Claude FM is akin to choosing a local barista as the city’s mayor – charming but utterly unqualified.

Bendigo citizens are now bombarded with catchy jingles and radio promos proudly announcing, “You’re listening to Claude FM – with Cogho and Jules”. The new format includes live updates on Claude’s whereabouts.

The station promises a Claude-centric playlist featuring all the classics from the 80s and 90s. The transition may be a head-scratcher for many, but Claude FM is determined to make its mark, ensuring that the name Claude is forever etched into the history of Bendigo.

Stay classy, Bendigo.