19.9 C

Vaping Now An Epidemic Among Kindergarteners

Australian teachers and staff told The Bendigo Standard that vaping is increasing among Kindergarten students

Teachers like Mrs French have found it alarming.

“Two kids were in the sandpit. They had their hands cupped with a blue light coming in between them,” Mrs French says.

“4-year-old Mirraccle Samanda on the trike over there has the lungs of my 80-year-old Grandfather,” says Mrs French. “Look at him. He went two metres and he’s out of breath already.”

Some people are not impressed. Concerned citizen Gary Gosh says “Why the hell do teenagers think vaping is cool? They just look dumber while sucking on a cancerous flash drive.”

“I don’t know how my 5-year-old got hold of a vape pen,” said one parent. “She was coughing and wheezing so much I thought she had the Rona.”

“I’m 4. You’re not the boss of me” says Tristan.