11.6 C

“I’m Cool With The Napier Street Road Works” Says The Only Person In Bendigo

Jim Sock from White Hills has been discovered as the only person in Bendigo who is fine with the Napier Street road works.

“All the machinery is a reminder of how far we’ve come. 2000 years ago they would have had to do the whole thing with a garden spade” Mr Sock said. “I’m cool with it. It’s an engineering feat for the eyes and ears.”

Mr Sock has a love for big machines “Sometimes when no-one’s looking I’ll help dig up the road.”

Mr Sock lives on Napier Street and was watching the upgrade happen right outside his front door, literally. “VicRoads wanted to dig up my front yard and put a bus stop out the front. I was more than happy to oblige. I’m just not a fan of people sitting on my verandah waiting for the bus.”

“When the road is done this will be our Millau Viaduct,” Mr Sock said referring to the bridge that links Paris and Spain.

The Napier Street upgrade is due to be completed in June 2119.
