National News - Page 2

Castlemaine Neither A Castle Nor A Maine

Boring word guy Will Neverme, 24, of Sailors Gully, said of Castlemaine, "Technically speaking a castle is any fortified structure, often with a moat...

COVIDsafe App Not As Fun or Security Flawed As FaceApp

Remember that "old face" making app? The one that had the Jonas Brothers post that picture of themselves looking old, and everyone sort of thought,...

Cat Fails To Search For Coronavirus Cure

"Not sure exactly what the cat was searching for, but i don't think she found it," said Bob Freestick, 32, from East Bendigo. The brown...

Y2K Doomsdayer Emerges To Find World Rebuilding

"Where are all the DVDs, Dude?" asked Scott Day, 47, from Eaglehawk. Mr Day took his family underground to avoid the distraction of the Y2K...

Close Talker Struggles With 1.5m Rule

Travis Buckhead, 27, Golden Square, works on a local job site as a sparky. "It's a pretty good job you know," said Mr Buckhead, as...

Australians To Start Taking More Shits At Work

How do we fix this sell-out toilet paper situation? Remind the idiots to take their shits at work like a normal person. Those are paid shits. Paid...

5 Toilet Paper Replacements That Work And 5 That Don’t

Hey there, would you like to wipe your arse in the post-TP era? Here are our top tips on what to use to soothe your...

Megan Claims Religious Freedom For Not Cleaning Staffroom Dishes On Her Rostered Day

“She’s always doing it,” said co-worker Camille Angove. “Farts at her desk, says religious freedom. Cuts her nails while photocopying, says religious freedom. Dribbles...

Organisation accused of sexism, corruption, malpractice and theft distances itself from Israel Folau

In recent years Qantas has been investigated for sexism to staff, corruption with fare-fixing, malpractice on safety and theft from employee’s wages. “But what Israel...

Bendigo Reminded To Wind Clocks Forward As Daylight Savings Ends

Readers of The Bendigo Standard are reminded to wind their clocks forward this weekend as daylight savings finishes. Digital devices synched will adjust automatically. However,...

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